World Youth Skills Day Picture | 21 World Youth Skills Day Quotes

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the 15th of July as World Youth Skills Day in November of 2014. WorldSkills regularly holds exhibitions and events at the United Nations High-Level Political Forum in New York throughout the whole week of July 15th to commemorate World Youth Skills Day.

To support UNESCO’s theme for the day, “Learning for Life and Work,” a video campaign was created to entice and encourage youths, teenagers, and millennials from all over the world to create selfies and selfie-style videos that tell a storey or outline by mastering a skill that has changed their lives.

Quotes & Greetings On World Youth Skills Day.

Learning skills is unquestionably beneficial to us, and we should continue to learn for as long as we live.

Learning is life, and if we stop learning, we should consider ourselves dead.

Learning is usually more enjoyable when it is done for pleasure rather than competitiveness.

Learning is usually more enjoyable when it is done for pleasure rather than competitiveness.

Beautiful World Youth Skills Day Image
Beautiful World Youth Skills Day Image

There will never be a shortage of things in the world that you can be interested in and learn about.

Learning and living are inextricably linked, and the more you study, the better your life will become.

Learning isn’t always simple, but if you practise what you find tough, you’ll notice how much easier it gets.

We can assist the United Nations General Assembly in commemorating this day by submitting videos of ourselves demonstrating how mastering certain skills has benefited us.

Learn new skills and take use of all the possibilities available to you, and that is precisely what the World Youth Skills Day is all about.

Best Animated World Youth Skills Day Image
Best Animated World Youth Skills Day Image

It’s been a fascinating day to witness, and I hope that hearing about other people’s experiences has motivated them to develop new talents.

A talent may be anything, and we can strive to learn any skill we are interested in.

There is no use in comparing skills because they are all helpful.

Never compare your abilities to those of others since all abilities are useful in this life.

Latest World Youth Skills Day Wishes Image
Latest World Youth Skills Day Wishes Image

A person is not assessed by his or her appearance, but rather by the talents that he or she possesses.

Learning new talents has the potential to change one’s life.

The World Youth Skills Day motto should be “live, love, and learn.”

This day is aimed at teenagers in particular since it is the easiest period in our life to learn new skills while we are young.

With the world’s population growing at such a rapid rate, it is critical that today’s youngsters be competent enough to find work.

The purpose of World Youth Skills Day is to emphasise the importance of skills and to encourage young people to develop new ones.

Today is World Youth Skills Day
Today is World Youth Skills Day

Never compare your abilities to those of others since all abilities are useful in this life.

The commemoration of this day stems from a fear that, as the population grows, there would be a large number of young people who will stay unemployed in the future.

Let’s mark World Youth Skills Day by learning a new skill once a month.

Can you think of a better way to commemorate World Youth Skills Day than by acquiring new skills?

World Youth Skills Day Mechanical Image
World Youth Skills Day Mechanical Image

Let us take a moment to tell you about how useful it is to learn new skills.

Because you never know which talent will come in handy and when, never dismiss anyone’s abilities.

Sharing equals learning, therefore share more to get more knowledge.

With such a large population, unemployment is always a problem, therefore learning new skills to improve your chances of finding work is always a good idea.

Let us all get together and share what new talents we’ve picked up since last year’s World Youth Skills Day event

A winner is someone who recognises his natural strengths, develops them into skills, and then employs them to attain his goals. On World Youth Skills Day, best wishes to everybody..

World Youth Skills Day Message
World Youth Skills Day Message

It is not difficult to gain new abilities; you just must understand that failure is an inevitable part of the learning process and that you should not be discouraged.

Keep going and don’t let little setbacks deter you; you’ll be astonished at how far you’ve come one day.

Practice is the greatest method to learn new abilities, and the more you practise, the better you will become.

The World Youth Skills Day is a great motivator for us, therefore let us take advantage of it and begin learning.

The World Youth Skills Day expresses worry about the fact that unemployment is on the rise, and that if you lack the necessary skills, you may find yourself unemployed.

Learn new skills and take use of all the possibilities available to you, and that is precisely what the World Youth Skills Day is all about.

World Youth Skills Day Teenagers Picture
World Youth Skills Day Teenagers Picture

Determination is a greater teacher than intelligence when it comes to learning new skills.

Don’t give up until you’ve mastered the talent you’ve been working on, since quitting is never an option.

Use your youth to the fullest extent possible, and acquiring new talents is by far the greatest way to do so.

Learn new talents and share what you’ve learned with those who are eager to learn.

Every country honours its kids and encourages them to gain new talents since the youth’s growth is the country’s progress.

World youth skills day also emphasises the importance of having fun while acquiring new skills.

Don’t squander your youth by doing nothing worthwhile.

World Youth Skills Day Wishes
World Youth Skills Day Wishes

Learning any talent is advantageous to us, and we should never stop learning. Best wishes on World Youth Skills Day to everyone.

We should learn how to use the various resources that are accessible to us all around us. What better way to commemorate World Youth Skills Day than to take use of the tools available?

The best way to master a skill is to practise it every day. On World Youth Skills Day, utilise your ability to its full potential.

Youth is brimming with vigour and zeal. When you’re young and active, it’s the best time to acquire new talents. Learn a new skill to commemorate World Youth Skills Day.

In today’s world of chaos, don’t forget to use your youth to learn new talents.

World Youth Skills Day acts as a powerful motivator for young people to accomplish something useful rather than spend all of their time on social media.

World Youth Skills Day
World Youth Skills Day

Learning a unique talent will assist you in obtaining a solid career with a good wage. Best wishes on World Youth Skills Day to everyone.

To make your youth relevant and meaningful, learn a new talent. World Youth Skills Day provides us with the potential to make our lives more meaningful.

Choose a talent that you would want to master. The finest outcomes will come from your excitement for the talent. Warm greetings on the occasion of World Youth Skills Day.

When you have the opportunity, learn new talents so that when you’re older, you’ll have something to appreciate the younger you for.

World Youth Skills Day encourages you to pursue your goals and use your skills to make the world a better place.

You are young, and you have been given the opportunity to study whatever you want, so take use of it.

Youths who have a wide set of skills are more energised and adaptable to a variety of job environments.


21 World Youth Skills Day Quotes:

Certainly! Here are some quotes for World Youth Skills Day:

  1. “Skills are the currency of the 21st century. On World Youth Skills Day, let’s empower the youth with the tools they need to shape a brighter future.”
  2. “Investing in the skills of our youth is an investment in the future. Happy World Youth Skills Day!”
  3. “Empowering the youth with skills is not just an investment; it’s a commitment to a better tomorrow. Happy World Youth Skills Day!”
  4. “Skills have the power to transform lives. On World Youth Skills Day, let’s inspire and equip the youth to reach new heights.”
  5. “The youth are our greatest asset. Let’s celebrate their potential and invest in their skills for a prosperous future. Happy World Youth Skills Day!”
  6. “Skill development is the cornerstone of progress. On World Youth Skills Day, let’s foster a culture of learning and growth.”
  7. “Skills empower, inspire, and open doors to endless possibilities. Wishing everyone a transformative World Youth Skills Day!”
  8. “The future belongs to those who are skilled. Let’s nurture the talents of the youth and pave the way for innovation. Happy World Youth Skills Day!”
  9. “On World Youth Skills Day, let’s recognize the potential within each young person and provide them with the tools to succeed.”
  10. “Skills are the bridge between dreams and reality. This World Youth Skills Day, let’s build that bridge for a brighter future.”
  11. “Happy World Youth Skills Day! Let’s equip the youth with the skills they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world.”
  12. “Skills are the building blocks of success. On World Youth Skills Day, let’s lay a strong foundation for the leaders of tomorrow.”
  13. “Investing in youth skills is investing in the resilience and adaptability of future generations. Happy World Youth Skills Day!”
  14. “Skills empower the youth to overcome challenges and seize opportunities. Wishing everyone a fulfilling World Youth Skills Day!”
  15. “On World Youth Skills Day, let’s celebrate the potential of the youth and commit to providing them with the skills to shape their destiny.”
  16. “Skills have the power to transform societies. This World Youth Skills Day, let’s unlock the potential of the youth for a better world.”
  17. “Happy World Youth Skills Day! Let’s encourage a culture of continuous learning and skill development for a brighter and more inclusive future.”
  18. “Empower the youth with skills, and you empower a nation. On World Youth Skills Day, let’s invest in the leaders of tomorrow.”
  19. “The youth are not just the leaders of tomorrow; they are the change-makers of today. Happy World Youth Skills Day!”
  20. “Skills are the key to unlocking doors of opportunity. On World Youth Skills Day, let’s open those doors for the youth and watch them thrive.”
  21. “Happy World Youth Skills Day! Let’s celebrate the resilience, creativity, and potential of the youth as they acquire the skills for a dynamic future.”

Feel free to share these quotes to inspire and acknowledge the importance of skill development on World Youth Skills Day!

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